Combustion Technologies Laboratory (LTS)
Research teaching potential:
- The study on the possibilities and conditions for composting of municipal waste and selected groups of waste;
- Study the conditions and parameters of the process of thermal decomposition of toxic substances, hazardous and harmful to the environment;
- Research methanation bed processes
- Analytical studies and product waste heat recovery;
- Testing and evaluation of fuel created based on waste products, biofuels and fossil fuels and fuels formed,
- Research emission properties of fuels;
- Analysis of the system of sorting and shredding solid waste;
- Testing purification of gases tripartite absorption fluid layer;
- Research processes, waste incineration and stationary grate furnaces;
- Research emission and immission of gaseous and particulate pollutants and their spread in the atmosphere;
- The study of thermal disposal, hazardous waste including medical and veterinary.
Measuring equipment:
- The position for continuous analysis of the composition of exhaust gases,
- A portable apparatus for analysis of exhaust gases,
- Non-invasive apparatus for measuring the velocity and flow rate of the liquid in the pipelines closed and open channels,
- Apparatus for measuring volume,
- Apparatus for measuring dust off-gases,
- Apparatus for measuring humidity and gas flow channels closed
- Apparatus for measuring the heat of combustion of solid, liquid waste (calorimeters)
- Apparatus for measuring the heat of combustion of gaseous fuels (Junkers calorimeter)
- Apparatus for measuring the heat of combustion of gaseous fuels for small samples,
- Apparatus for measuring the ash softening temperature,
Laboratory stations
- The position to examine the combustion of solid fuels, waste and waste fuels,
- The position to simulate the process of combustion of solid fuels on the grate mechanical
- Position the flash point and ignition delay time and location of the ignition usypanej layer,
- The position to study the emission properties of fuels,
- The position of the rectification column,
- Test stand for determining the heat transfer coefficient in a fluidized bed,
- Research positions fluidized bed hydrodynamics processes,
- Research station circulating fluidized bed hydrodynamics,
- Research station gas absorption process in a fluidized bed of tripartite
- Research position odkraplania process gases on the absorption,
- Research position drying process in a fluidized bed,
- Research station to the distribution of gaseous hydrocarbons using a low temperature plasma.