Library of the Department deals with the collection and sharing of literature, mainly Polish and English. We have approx. 1600 books, conference materials (approx. 280 copies). We also collect our students' theses and dissertations and postdoctoral workers Cathedral. Currently the library subscribes to 40 periodicals Polish and foreign in print and has access to 4,000 online journals. The library is available to all readers in the reading room on site, while the rental may be used only staff of the Department. In the library, readers can use photocopying.
Opening Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10.00 -13.00
Library leads Krystyna Bialas def. 130, tel. 2371843
Wykaz posiadanych książek
ktiuzo-biblioteka-wykaz-ksiazek.pdf - wykazksiagkatedry.pdf